Life's Colour is Out, Preorder this amazement today.

When I came to the point where I knew who I was and the power I wielded the game changed. Whilst growing I wanted to talk, be a person of influence and value. I wanted to impact. I just thought it out but didn't even know how it would play out I just knew it would. Today there's a smile on my face from within having to look back on how this journey started. How in less than 6 months I have taken intentional steps. Was life been beautiful all the way? Of course! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder right? Were there ugly grounds oh yes but nothing is ugly beyond repairs. I have always wanted more from life I still do. The struggle of purpose was real. My story isn't why I am here today but yours is the focal Point. In this journey there are ups and down... Life could be very unfair and well it could be very much fair as well. I have learnt that I am not at war with life, it is not my competition actually it has been supporting me all along and now I'm more int...