Check out Funke Akindele's make up free face
#NoMakeUpTuesday strip celebrities' facial skin, showing off faces sans make-up and compares it to their red carpet make-up look, today we beam the spotlight on actress; Funke Akindele
Every Tuesday the #nomakeuptuesday
beat strips your favourite celebrity of the usual made up look leaving
their facial skin bare for you to see what they really look like sans
the red carpet styling and make up.
It attempts to make your favourite star more 'accessible' and of course plain serve their faces without makeup.
This week, actress and comedienne; Funke Akindele is up for #nomakeuptuesday,
the talented actress loves her smokeye eye and occasional bronzed face
with red lips and in some instance she does the classic no makeup look.
Funke Akindele
is up this week. Take a look at her face without makeup on the left and
her made up faces in the gallery above and share your thoughts on her
make up free face.