Daily Devotion November 18, 2015‘ Get into place!’
'There was not a man to till the ground.’
Memory Verse: Ephesians 3:20 ‘He’s willing and ‘able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us’
The Word for Today devotional by United Christian Broadcasters (UCB) says:
The Bible says, ‘The Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.’
the beginning of creation God caused a mist to come up from the earth
and water the ground. Up until that time there had been no downpour from
the heavens. That’s because there was nobody to do the prep work and
‘till the ground’. There’s a spiritual lesson here!
are things God has planned to do, made provision for, and desires to do
– but He won’t until you ‘get into place’ where you can receive what He
longs to give you.
The blessing is there, safe in
God’s keeping. The need is there, persistent in its pain. But the
blessing can’t come until your heart is in the right place for God to
act. Right now you may be enjoying a ‘mist’, but you know God has more
for you.
You’ve a frustration that causes you to
say, ‘Why am I not further along?’ Rather than blaming people and
circumstances, you need to pause, look up, and ask, ‘Lord, are You
waiting for me to get into place?’
When you ask
that question, be prepared to hear the answer and obey it, even if it
means rearranging your priorities and paying the price to receive what
God wants you to have.
What does He want you to have? Not a mist, but a downpour!
willing and ‘able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or
think, according to the power that worketh in us’ (Ephesians 3:20 KJV).
But first you must ‘get into place’.
Bible in a Year: Ezek 35-36; 1 Peter 1